Jan 24, 2012

Books Websites for Lolitas Readers: Free Book Friday

While I'm thrilled with all the amazing and thoughtful entries for my give away, I'm also just a tiny bit saddened. Each and every one has been so well written and deeply thoughtful that I'm wishing I could just send a book and gift kit to each and every one of you! Sadly, that's not a possibility as it would be a bit over my budget. One thing I can do, however, is direct you to a place that can.

Two amazing words in the same phrase.

Free Book Friday is a website that gives away books on Fridays. Yes, pretty much every Friday. They have several different sections - Fiction, Teen, Romance, and Indie - that they select a book for each week. During the week you enter for any of those books you think you may like, and then they randomly draw a winner for however many copies they have. Simple as that. But beyond the simple joy of free books, it's a great place to hear about new titles and each week they post an interview with the authors, which makes for interesting reading in itself more often than not. It's definitely worth a look.

The contest here is still open for another couple of weeks, as well. So if you have yet to enter you still have a bit of time to consider your answer.

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